Sometimes it seems as though I’ve been taking photographs all my life. I started as child in the film days (110, 126, and 35mm) and learned to use a wide variety of tools, including both rangefinder and SLR cameras. In high school, I was the darkroom geek and newspaper photo editor – a little embarrassing now, but it was great experience.

After years of pursuing other careers ranging from IT consultant to airline pilot and flight instructor, I’ve come full circle back to my first great love of photography. Of course, I’ve never stopped taking photos – only the tools have changed.

Nowadays, I primarily shoot with a Nikon D850 and my “darkroom” is, of course, all digital – I use Lightroom and Photoshop almost exclusively. The extent to which it’s possible to retouch images is incredible and, though it’s impossible to go back, I do sometimes find myself nostalgic for the aroma of those old developing chemicals…